

@koijs/table-vue is a highly customizable and lightweight table component designed for Vue.js. It provides built-in features like sticky headers, zebra rows, and flexible sizing, making it an ideal choice for data-heavy applications. This package automatically generates table headers based on the provided data, eliminating the need for manual header definitions and ensuring a seamless experience. It is currently under development but is available as an alpha release.



You can install the alpha version using the following command:

npm install @koijs/table-vue


Here is a demonstration of @koijs/table-vue in action:

Demo GIF

Here is a basic example of how to use @koijs/table-vue in your Vue project:

<script setup lang="ts">
import type { Row } from '@koijs/table-vue/types'
import KoiTable from '@koijs/table-vue'
import { ref } from 'vue'
import { sampleData } from './sampleData'

const tableData = ref<Row[]>(sampleData)

  <KoiTable :rows="tableData" />

@import '@koijs/table-vue/ui';

Development is ongoing, but the basic features can be tested. 🛠️

⚙️ Props

PropDefault ValueDescription
stickytrueKeeps the table header fixed at the top when scrolling, allowing users to track column headers while navigating data.
zebraRowstrueAlternates row colors to improve readability.
spacingtrueAdds spacing between rows for a more open and readable layout.
sizexs, sm, md, lg, xlDefines the text size for the table.
border{ body: false, horizontal: false, vertical: false }🔲 Determines whether borders are displayed inside table cells.
mark{ hover: { row: true, column: false }, select: { row: false, column: false }, spotlight: false }Defines highlighting behavior when hovering or selecting rows and columns.

UI (prop)

  "wrapper": "w-full relative overflow-x-auto pr-1 rounded-lg dark:text-white text-black",
  "sticky": {
    "animation": "duration-300",
    "base": "sticky top-0",
    "header": "dark:bg-neutral-800/90 bg-neutral-200/90 py-3 first:rounded-l-lg last:rounded-r-lg"
  "zebraRows": "even:bg-neutral-100 odd:bg-white dark:even:bg-neutral-900 dark:odd:bg-neutral-950",
  "spacing": {
    "base": "border-separate border-spacing-y-2",
    "row": "inset-ring dark:inset-ring-neutral-900 inset-ring-neutral-100",
    "shadow": "shadow",
    "rounded": "rounded-lg"
  "border": {
    "body": "ring ring-neutral-300 dark:ring-neutral-700",
    "horizontal": "border-y border-neutral-300 dark:border-neutral-700",
    "vertical": "border-x border-neutral-300 dark:border-neutral-700"
  "size": {
    "xs": { "text": "text-xs" },
    "sm": { "text": "text-sm" },
    "md": { "text": "text-md" },
    "lg": { "text": "text-lg" },
    "xl": { "text": "text-xl" }
  "mark": {
    "hover": {
      "row": "hover:bg-zinc-200 dark:hover:bg-zinc-800",
      "column": "bg-zinc-200 dark:bg-zinc-800"
    "select": {
      "row": "even:bg-zinc-200 odd:bg-zinc-200 dark:even:bg-zinc-800 dark:odd:bg-zinc-800",
      "column": "bg-zinc-200 dark:bg-zinc-800"
    "spotlight": "bg-zinc-300 dark:bg-zinc-600"
  "table": {
    "base": "min-w-full table-fixed"
  "scrollbar": {
    "base": "[&::-webkit-scrollbar]:h-2 [&::-webkit-scrollbar]:w-2",
    "corner": "[&::-webkit-scrollbar-corner]:bg-transparent",
    "thumb": {
      "base": "[&::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb]:bg-neutral-300 dark:[&::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb]:bg-neutral-500",
      "rounded": "[&::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb]:rounded-lg"
    "track": {
      "base": "[&::-webkit-scrollbar-track]:bg-neutral-100 dark:[&::-webkit-scrollbar-track]:bg-neutral-700",
      "rounded": "[&::-webkit-scrollbar-track]:rounded-lg"
  "header": {
    "base": "select-none",
    "tr": "",
    "th": {
      "base": "text-left font-normal dark:text-neutral-200 text-neutral-800 whitespace-nowrap",
      "padding": "py-1 px-2 first:pl-4 last:pr-4"
  "body": {
    "base": "",
    "tr": {
      "base": "",
      "hover": ""
    "td": {
      "base": "",
      "padding": "px-2 py-4 first:pl-4 last:pr-4"

⚙️ Slots

<data-key>-cellcolumn, dataAllows customization of individual table cells. The column parameter provides column-specific information, while data holds the corresponding row data. Useful for formatting or applying conditional styling.
<column-key>-headercolumnEnables customization of table headers. The column parameter contains the header label, allowing modifications such as icons, tooltips, or additional styling.

Support & Contributions

If you would like to support the project, report issues, or contribute, here are some ways you can help:

  • Star the repository: Show your support by starring the project on GitHub.
  • Feature Requests: Have an idea for improvement? Submit your feature requests as an issue.

Your contributions and feedback help make @koijs/table-vue better!

For more details and updates, visit koijs.com.

Made by protokoi